We found the Honduras to Nicaragua border crossing quite relaxed, exiting Honduras was a breeze and entering Nicaragua was not difficult at all.

The local kids gave us a chance to practice our Spanish and kept us entertained while the paper work was processed.

Honduras Exit 

  1. Immigration The immigration desk is on the far left hand side of this building, you will receive an exit stamp. 13.062351, -86.956581
  2. Cancellation of Temporary Import Permit (TIP)  The Customs office is in the same building as immigration just on the other side of the counter.  Hand over the TIP, your passport and vehicle registration certificate.  They will cancel the TIP and provide you with a car exit stamp in your passport.
  3. Cross the bridge, on the way you will be stopped by a guard, he will want to check your paperwork.

 Immigration & Customs Building

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Entering Nicaragua

  1. Once over the bridge, you will come to a junction where there are some cones.  The officers will inspect your paper work, give you a customs declaration and send you on to fumigation. 13.062158, -86.952377
  2. Fumigation here  13.061535, -86.951602 Cost $3. Keep your receipt.
  1. Immigration – Take the first right and park here  061756, -86.950762  –  Immigration is to the left down the hall.  Before going to immigration you must first complete a medical declaration, you will see a couple of nurses sitting down at a desk to your left. Once complete they will give a tiny piece of paper which you need to keep in your passport.  Next hand your passports to immigration and pay the $12 per person fee ($10 for Tourist Card)
  2. Temporary Import Permit (TIP)The office will need the following: Vehicle Registration, Passport, and Driving Licence with copies of the same. He will complete all the paper work for you.  Customs did not inspect our vehicle.
  3. RHD vehicles – We had heard that there may be issues entering with a RHD vehicle, however we did not encounter any issues. It was not mentioned during the crossing.
  4. Insurance –is $12 and can be obtained at either of the desks outside the building.
  5. Keep hold of all the documentation you have been given as you need to show this when exiting. On exit, hand over the customs declaration you were given when arriving at the border.

Parking for immigration & Customs

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Insurance Desks 

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  • Carnet is not required to enter Nicaragua with a foreign vehicle
  • Insurance is required

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