Apr 26, 2011 | Asia, Blog, South East Asia, Thailand |
Bangkok 7th -9th April Back in Thailand again, we intend to travel down the east coast after a stop in Bangkok, a three and a half hour drive from the Cambodian border. Or so we think…just three miles away from…
Mar 21, 2011 | Asia, Blog, South East Asia, Thailand |
18th March We wake to find the skies are still overcast, but decide to head out to the Sukhothai historical park, the walled old capital city of Siam. It is filled with ancient Wats dating back to the mid 13th…
Mar 17, 2011 | Asia, Blog, South East Asia, Thailand |
Thailand 8th March 9 months to the day from setting off from the UK on our overland adventure, travelling 36,000km’s so far, and on to our 24th country, we head towards the Thai border for the 300 mile journey to…