Oct 22, 2014 | New Zealand |
3rd February KAIKOURA WHALE WATCH TRIP Kaikoura first attracted Maori who came to harvest the abundant seafood and were followed by European whalers and sealers. The town is built on the site of a whaling station established in 1843. Giant…
Oct 12, 2014 | Blog, New Zealand |
5th February THE RAINBOW ROAD From the spa fun in Hanmer Springs, we drive via Jacks Pass on a bumpy gravel path to the remote and majestic Lake Tennyson formed from a glacial moraine dam, where we camp up for…
Oct 12, 2014 | Blog, New Zealand |
4th February MOLESWORTH STATION Molesworth Station is New Zealand’s largest farm, covering almost half a million acres with the country’s largest herd of beef cattle (up to 10,000 in winter) and also its most remote. At 900metres, it is the…
Oct 11, 2014 | Blog, New Zealand |
31st January SOUTH ISLAND-MARLBOROUGH SOUNDS We leave early to catch the Interislander ferry across the Cook Strait through the Marlborough Sounds to the South Island. After a short wait at the port, we drive on and head upstairs to the…
Oct 10, 2014 | Blog, New Zealand |
26th January As we had already been to Hawkes Bay to the east of the island on a previous trip, we decide to head south 170km and 2 hours to the coast and Himatangi Beach driving the scenic roads out…
Oct 9, 2014 | Blog, New Zealand |
19th January ROTORUA It’s 89km inland and just over an hours drive to Rotorua, NZ’s famous geothermal region which is home to spurting geysers, hot springs and bubbling mud pools. We had been to Rotorua before on a previous trip…