We decided to cross from Guatemala into El Salvador at the Valle Nuevo/ Chinamas border at it was the closest entry to the Ruta de Flores, and also much quicker than following the Pan Am to the border.

There are three border crossings between Guatemala and El Salvador as shown on the map below.

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Guatemala Exit 

  1. Immigration The immigration window is on your left at the end of the building. They will stamp your passport. 14.019969, -89.909174
  2. Cancellation of Temporary Import Permit (TIP)  The customs office is the office before immigration. They will need your passport, registration certificate and the original Temporary Import Permit. The customs officer will make their own copies and give you an extra copy for the border guard. They will also inspect your vehicle & the VIN.
  3. Cross the bridge, on the way you will be stopped by a guard, he will want to check your paperwork.


Guatemalan Border

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Entering El Salvador

  1. Stop at the little hut on the right side of the bridge, this is customs, here 14.017306, -89.905713
  1. Temporary Import Permit (TIP)The office will need the following: Vehicle Registration, Passport, Driving Licence & Cancelled Guatemalan import permit together with copies of the same (copy shop here  14.017094, -89.905565 ). He will complete all the paper work for you and check your vehicles VIN. Once complete, he will walk you over to another customs office where they will register the information in the computer. Here 14.017835, -89.905711
  2. RHD vehicles are not permitted in El Salvador, a permit is required. Ensure you have this well in advance!
  3. Immigration is on the left hand side of the road as you leave, they will only glance at your passports. 14.017374, -89.905418
  4. Keep hold of all the documentation you have been given as you need to show this when exiting.  They will also take a copy of the TIP.



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Copy Shop

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  • Carnet is not required to enter El Salvador with a foreign vehicle
  • Insurance is not required

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